Dr. Elizabeth MacLean

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How Well Do You Know Your Audience? (A Love Story)

I recently ran across an Instagram reel that charmed me. The reel, linked above, featured a lovely German couple, who were recently married. They recounted the story about how they met, and it wasn't really what I was expecting. 

Elke (that's the woman's name), said she placed an ad in a local newspaper. “Looking for a man” was the headline, and she giggled at her own success -- she reportedly received hundreds of responses and four weeks later, she found herself in a relationship with the man who is now her husband.

Why am I sharing this?

Because what really got me was a cheeky comment left by another viewer, who wrote: “Old-school Tinder 😂”.  Indeed.

Here are my takeaways, for what it's worth, and hang on, because it IS related to our own work, day in, day out!

Source: @modelstrangers on Instagram.

Know Your Audience

Elke knew where to find her audience. She understood that the right person for her might be someone who still read the local paper. Similarly, as artists and creatives, we need to understand where our audience hangs out, what they enjoy, and how they like to be communicated with. This could mean finding the right social media platforms, galleries, or local markets where our ideal collectors and supporters are.

Be Fearless

It takes a certain amount of courage to put yourself out there, whether it's through a newspaper ad or showcasing your art online. Elke’s story reminds us that being bold can lead to unexpected and wonderful results. Don’t be afraid to share your work, tell your story, and make connections. Fearlessness in marketing often translates to authenticity, which is incredibly attractive to potential buyers and supporters.

Be Proactive

Elke didn’t wait for Mr. Right to find her; she took action. In the same vein, proactive marketing is about taking the initiative to reach out to your audience. Whether it's through regular email newsletters, engaging social media posts, or attending networking events, being proactive helps you stay top-of-mind with your audience. Remember, consistency is key.

By understanding your target audience and taking these proactive, fearless steps, you’ll be better equipped to connect with the people who will truly appreciate and support your work. And who knows? One day you'll be telling your own cheeky “old-school tinder” success story – with art sales, of course, not spouses! 🥂🍾

If you’re ready to take your marketing to the next level, check out my Squarespace custom web design services and branding services. Let’s work together to build your online presence and reach your ideal audience. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need guidance on what service is best for you.