Return Policy for Original Art: Four Approaches (Plus Free Templates)

Creating a return policy for original art is an essential part of running your art business online. It sets clear expectations for buyers and builds trust, which can significantly affect your sales. In this post, we'll explore four different return policy approaches you can use for your art. Plus, you can also download a free template pack to tailor these policies to your business.

An artist at work. Return Policies for Art Shops

Here are three common approaches to return policies for original art:

1. Fully Refundable Return Policy

This approach offers a full refund for returns and can be a game-changer for buyers who are hesitant about purchasing original artwork online.


  • Attracts cautious buyers: A full refund can help ease concerns about making a high-cost purchase.

  • Builds trust and loyalty: You show confidence in your work, which encourages buyers to trust your brand.

  • Higher conversion rates: A lenient return policy can lead to more sales.


  • Increased returns: A more flexible policy may result in a higher volume of returns.

  • Financial risk for the artist: Returns can be costly, especially with the expense of production and shipping.

  • Potential for misuse: Some buyers might take advantage of the policy, increasing your administrative burden.

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2. Partial Refund with Restocking Fee

This option provides a middle ground, offering a partial refund while charging a restocking fee to offset return processing costs.


  • Reduces financial risk: The restocking fee helps cover return costs and potential artwork damage.

  • Encourages commitment: Buyers may think twice before returning a purchase due to the fee.

  • Offsets administrative costs: The fee helps to cover the expense of processing returns.


  • May deter buyers: Cost-conscious customers might be put off by the restocking fee.

  • Potential disputes: Buyers who miss the restocking fee details could be upset, leading to negative feedback.

  • Limited appeal: This policy might not be as attractive as a fully refundable option, potentially lowering sales.

Restocking fees: In the art world, restocking fees range from 10% to 20% of the purchase price. Clearly communicate any such fees in your policy to avoid disputes.

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3. Final Sale, No Refunds

This strict policy states that once the art is purchased, it cannot be returned. It reduces administrative work but comes with its own set of challenges.


  • Minimizes administrative work: You won't have to handle returns or disputes.

  • Encourages serious buyers: Knowing there’s no refund available, buyers may be more committed to their decision.

  • Predictable revenue: You’ll know exactly what your cash flow looks like without the risk of refunds.


  • May turn off risk-averse buyers: Some customers may be reluctant to buy if they can’t return the artwork.

  • Lower customer satisfaction: If a buyer is unhappy, it could result in negative reviews.

  • Lost sales: Without the option for a refund, you might miss out on potential customers.

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4. Exchange-Only Policy (Non-Refundable)

This policy allows customers to exchange a purchased artwork for another piece of equal or lesser value rather than receiving a refund.


  • Retains revenue: Instead of giving money back, you keep the sale and satisfy the customer with a new piece.

  • Encourages repeat customers: The buyer may find something they like more and become a loyal customer.

  • Limits financial risk: There's no need for a full refund, but you still offer an option for those not fully satisfied.


  • Limited customer satisfaction: Buyers who don't find another piece they like may still be unhappy.

  • Potential for increased administrative work: You'll have to manage the exchange process and shipping logistics.

  • Not as appealing as a refund: Customers may prefer a refund, which could deter risk-averse buyers.

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Choosing the Right Policy for Your Creative Business

Your return policy will depend on your business goals and your tolerance for risk. A well-thought-out return policy protects both you and your buyers while helping build trust in your creative business. Download the customizable copy templates designed to help you create a policy that fits your needs. No matter which option you choose to go with, these templates will save you time and set you up for success!


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